Book of Battlemats - Towns and Taverns
book of lay flat wipe clean RPG Battle maps that fits in your pocket! Suspicious Rooms, Alley ways, Bridges and Cellars can now appear in moments just where you need them so you are always ready to roll!
Never be caught out! A handy map book for on the go or random encounters! Just open & Roll!
Wipe clean and fully customisable, maps are designed to be reused in many different encounter scenarios.
Link existing maps and add on new encounter areas exactly where you need them!
This lay flat book is suitable for use with any fantasy Role-playing game.
Featuring –
Rooms, cellars, stairs and bridges to place just where you need them
Use to add an encounter area in moments or link between existing maps
Lat flat format also allows use of each page individually for maximum flexibility
Beautiful immersive artwork!
So its over to you. Roll initiative……….